Again I have let the days slip by without posting. I was doing so well, too!
We have been a bit busy with the new puppy. Mack is really developing a personality. He loves the new 3 month old poodle, Sassy that Linda and Al just got. She outweighs him by a pound or so, but he doesn't let his small size deter him from getting in his own "licks". They wrestle pretty strenuously and he has even figured out she's a female and did the obligatory "motion", if you catch my drift. She rolled on her back in submission too. These babies are 3 months and only 6 weeks! Instinct is pretty strong I guess. He is slowly learning not to be so afraid all the time. He still startles at everything though. Miss Snickers is being quite the drama queen. She slapped the lil' guy for nothing the other day. Now Mack is terrified every time he sees her, he cowers away from her. If he is eating all she has to do is sit near him and he totally freaks. Poor baby...not afraid of the other dogs, terrified of Snicker, and let me just say, she knows that she if torturing the poor thing. She is like most kitties, utterly evil deep down and just likes to be superior, LOL!
We went to visit Acorn Acres, another campground here to check out the monthly rates...cheaper than a month at the SKP park by almost 100 dollars and electric is included. That is really significant I think. The workamper positions are for husband/wife teams and each person works 18 hours. We are both "paid" $7 and hour, but then they take out the cost of the site, which is $350 per month. The balance is paid in cash I believe. The manager said that all the earnings could go on either SS# if one of us was disabled. Hmmm, lots of hours for I am not sure if I can work 18 hours, or 6 hours a day three times a week. I have a hard time working the four hour shift sometimes! My back is still giving me problems from the compression fracture and of course my fibro is centered in my whole back, neck and shoulders. Sometimes I have to come home from sitting in the chair at the office for three or four hours and have to immediately take pain pills and lay on the heating pad. Nothing helps and by the time I go to bed and take my skelasken I am again in agony. OK enough sad sack stuff.
We are going over to Treasure Lakes soon so Paulie can meet the lady at the concessions. I am not sure if I am going to work or not. I need to have a chair, but could do like the register I guess. We'll see after we talk to the gal. Will post as soon as we know something. Had a video call with Zack last night. I ordered the Microsoft V5000 from Amazon as they had the best price. Zack has a new Mac notebook, and his video cam is built in. So, I finally got the video stuff downloaded, joined that stupid AOL instant messenger and we actually we talked for about 20 minutes. I held up Mack so he could see him. It was a weird sensation knowing we were on the Internet, seeing each other and talking. I would love to give these cameras to Kathy, Jan, Mom and Grandpa so we could video call all the time...three of the four just wouldn't be able to operate the thing though...Kathy being the only one who could connect! No new pictures to upload today...I missed every Kodak moment yesterday and this morning. I will get a video of Mack following along for his walk. He is just so adorable, he runs, falls down, tumbles over and starts up again.
Well, gotta make some breakfast and then we are out to Treasure Lakes, we both have to work at two. hugs dennise
The Aluminum Asylum

Our home on wheels
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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