some pictures I had in the camera...haven't taken too many....sorry...
Sean Krause, Big Zack and Johnny Morgan
The Kraus', me & paulie and the Morgan's
The first sunset of the year here was not so good...then the others I didn't bring the was cloudy but I got the sun just before it hit the water...
The Aluminum Asylum

Our home on wheels
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Poor grandpa…he had no luck whatsoever with Delta on his return trip to McAllen on Tuesday. We left at 6 am to get to GR airport only to find out his flight was delayed due to crew timing out from delays yesterday. If he took the delayed flight, he would miss his connection. So they switched him to a 2:45 departure from here and catch a connection in Atlanta around 8. We had hoped he’d get to Texas before it was dark but I guess that went out the window. We left the airport and headed out to find a place for breakfast. We really weren’t hungry but we ended up at Perkins, me having tea and the guys having a muffin. Of course, nothing opens til 9 or 10 so we just drove around, finally winding up at Midway Motors, the place we purchased our rig on line several years ago. We looked at all the new and used rigs, and decided once again, we like ours and don’t want to pay a quarter of a million bucks for another. Who has that kinda money anyways? Not us that is for sure…that would be a nice legacy to leave our kid…a motorhome with a mortgage bigger than we ever had as homeowners and with no resale value!
Finally he decided he was tired and wanted us to drop him off at the airport so he could find a nice cozy spot and take a rest…er, nap. We did drop him off around 1 p.m. then just hit a couple of stores. Costco is one place we didn’t have in Springpatch. It was a huge store, and the stuff looked really nice, especially the meat. Don’t know if it is worth a $50 member fee for us…don’t know where Costco’s are all over. We still have our Sam’s Club so it would be either or. Sam’s is just about everywhere, but I am not so sure about Costco.
We headed back to Muskegon and went to Dicks’ sporting goods. They had cheapie chairs we could take down to the beach and just leave there and if they disappeared, we’d be out only a few bucks. It is worth that just not to haul the stuff down to the beach. Down is not too bad, it’s the UP that gets me. Geesh…going up hill in sugar sand is not as easy as it looks on TV,…honest! I almost fell on my face…next time I gotta take my cane…I have NO balance on uneven surfaces and sand is included in that as I can now attest. My sandals got all twisted up in the sand…thank goodness Paulie was there to grab my arm before I went over. I am not sure what a fall on soft sand would do to my gosh-awful stupid hip, but I don’t want to test it anyways.
We went to the Traverse City Pie Company for dinner. We split a sourdough blt and then got carmel pecan apple pie for dessert. We ate our half sandwich but had to take the pie home. Eyes bigger than our tummys again.
We watched the Cubs game and then I went to bed.
Another day from purgatory…I awoke with a terrible ache in my back and the unending urge to pee…bladder infection…AGAIN. Fibro is the culprit and is one of the symptoms. I had a flare over the last week, so this shouldn’t have been a surpise. I hit my stash of AZO and antibiotics from Mexico…I spent most of the morning in the bathroom…then because of all the fruit, got the trots. Complete misery. I finally went to bed and slept until 5. Paul made delish burgers on the grill. We sat outside for a while just enjoying the weather and the quiet of the area. Not much was on TV, although the re-run of Big Love was on at 11. The flys seem to be the biting type so both of us were targets when dusk hit. I got on the computer to update the blog but the signal was low and I couldn’t get on, thus the double post today.
It’s Thursday and we are still trying to decide what to do. Paulie thought that the craft show from the Celebration started today, but it is starting tomorrow. I thought we could go to Grand Haven and perhaps rent a couple of bikes. Just to see if I can ride a two wheeler, like the big girls. I had a trike but hated it…it was hard to pedal and I felt like a dork. This way if we decide to get some bikes so we can do some of the trails we encounter, I won’t be without some practice and know that I can ride a freakn’ bike without falling on my keester.
Paul is at the managers office arranging for a honey wagon. For the non-campers out there, we need to have our black tank emptied…you must imagine yourself what goes in the black holding tank.
Well, I am going to try and post this on line now, if not I will have to try later. I can take my laptop with us as there are a number of places with free wifi including the Elks Lodge just down the street. It takes seconds with a full wifi signal of 54 mbps…I am getting 3.6 mbps on the air card from Cingular. And I complained at Rio Valley with 11 mbps! You never appreciate what you have until you lose it, right?
Take care, and I will try to post again to let you know how we do on the bikes.